Petit-Rocher, August 14th, 2017. When the Acadians met at the First National Convention in Memramcook in July of 1881, one of the first issues they chose to debate was the adoption of a national day of celebration. At this convention, it was decided that August 15th be deemed National Acadian Day (Fête nationale de l’Acadie). This was a very symbolic gesture, as many had hoped that the Saint-Jean-Baptiste (June 24th), the French-Canadian Celebration, would be chosen. However, the delegates resolutely chose August 15th, and in so doing orchestrated the first concrete gesture towards identifying themselves as a distinct French speaking people in North America: not French, not French Canadian, but Acadian. Proud and resilient, Acadian men and woman have helped build this land we call New Brunswick, and continue to strive for its betterment.
« The SANB wishes to extend an invitation to all citizens of New-Brunswick to partake in the National Acadian Day Celebrations. Acadians are a proud and resilient people: Our pride is founded on the desire to live peacefully and harmoniously with our fellow citizens in this province. Equality is an ideal that we should all share, and a fundamental right that we have fought for and will continue to defend », declared Kevin ARSENEAU, President of the SANB.
« Let us share with pride the hopes and dreams we all have for a better tomorrow. Let us start by sharing in song, dance and laughter tomorrow during National Acadian Day», concluded President ARSENEAU. The Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick is the official spokes-organization for the defense of rights and interests of the Acadian Community of New-Brunswick.


For further information or to obtain an interview, please contact:
Mr. Kevin ARSENEAU, President
(506) 251-8246
Mr. Ali CHAISSON, Executive Director
(506) 783-4205